This page introduces the terms that appear on this site in addition to related phrases.

这terms included here reflect meanings for functions of KEYENCE’s视觉传感器IV2系列and may differ from common usage.

Term Meaning
自动亮度调整 从不同图像捕获条件下拍摄的多个照片中自动发现最佳亮度的函数。
HDR HDR is the abbreviation for High Dynamic Range. HDR technology is used to capture images with a wide range of brightness (dynamic range). The function is used when capturing images of a target that easily reflects light, such as metal, resulting in a significant difference between the light and dark areas of the image.
自动焦点 使用电机或其他设备自动调整焦点的系统。
External trigger 一种用于使用内置摄像机捕获图像的时序的设备。图像捕获从与目标的移动同步的外部输入开始,例如来自外部安装的光电传感器或PLC。
狭窄的视野 这range in which detection is possible is narrow. The minimum field of view for theIV2系列窄视图传感器型号为8毫米×6毫米,安装距离为40毫米。
Detection area 这range in which the vision sensor can capture a target.
宽阔的视野 检测的范围宽。这IV2系列有两个宽场类型,一个最大视野为275 mm×206 mm,安装距离为300 mm,一个有550 mm×412 mm的视场,安装距离为600 mm。
红外LED 发射红外光的二极管。这种二极管也称为IR LED。
Digital zoom 折断捕获图像的一部分,并使用计算机处理扩大它。
顶灯 一种照明从各个方向照亮目标的照明装置。圆顶灯使得可以将软,间接照明应用于具有不规则形状的靶向阴影或眩光。
内部触发器 一种用于使用内置摄像机捕获图像的时序的设备。With trigger intervals, continuous imaging is performed for the specified interval.
强光 强光during imaging occurs when a strong light is applied to the object, causing it to appear completely white and blurry.
偏振滤波器 一个阻挡不需要的光的过滤器,只允许获得必要的光。这导致颜色显得更亮,提高了难以查看的区域的可见性。
白平衡 用于校正拍摄环境中光线的颜色影响的功能,以确保白色被捕获为白色。
硕士造影 用作判断参考的图像。传感器捕获的任何图像都可以注册为主图像。
LIVE image A real-time image captured by the sensor.
Detection tools
Outline Tool A tool that detects the matching percentage with a registered inspection target based on the outline of the target.
彩色区域工具 一种基于颜色从注册产品中检测到区域差异的工具。
Area tool 一种工具,可根据亮度从注册产品中检测到区域的差异。该工具基于光泽或表面精加工的差异检查是有效的。
边缘像素工具 一个工具,检测差异通过计算怒江mber of pixels at boundary points (edges) with large changes in brightness.
位置调整工具 一种计算和纠正主图像中未对准量的工具。
Diameter tool A tool that detects the difference from a non-defective target based on the diameter.
宽度工具 基于边缘之间的宽度检测与非缺陷目标差异的工具。
俯仰工具 一种基于间距宽度检测与非缺陷目标差异的工具。
RGB 一种表达颜色的方法。通过这种方法,通过三原色的光的组合表示颜色:红色(R),绿色(G)和蓝色(B)。
HSV 一种表达颜色的方法。With this method, color is expressed through hue (H), saturation (S), and value (V) or lightness. This method is similar to how a person perceives color. Also referred to as “HSB color space”.
Edge 具有大变化亮度的边界点。
OCR OCR是光学字符识别(或读取器)的缩写。使用相机读取手写或打印字符的技术,并将它们转换为计算机可以使用的数字字符代码。
旋转纠正 A function that rotates an image captured by the sensor to the correct orientation in situations where the orientation of the object is not determined due to problems with transferring.
缩放功能 A function that uses length for determining whether a product is defective instead of the match percentage based on an image.
多点检测 使用多个工具检测视野中的多个点。
逻辑 通过使用诸如逻辑操作(例如和反转)的逻辑运算来设置输出条件的功能。
以太网/ IPTM. An open network protocol using Ethernet and managed by Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. (ODVA). The ability to communicate large amounts of control and monitoring data at high speeds and over large areas makes this protocol effective for improving operation rates and quality.
FTP. the abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol. This protocol makes it possible to transfer files over the Internet (LAN).
Traceability 能够跟踪用于生产原材料的加工,以消费或处理产品,以澄清产品的何时何地和向何处。
直方图(频率分布) 使用检测结果的数值数据表示巧合的分布图。直方图用于确认检查稳定性并检查目标检查的变化。横轴表示巧合程度,纵轴表示检查的数量。
视觉传感器 A sensor that outputs data and judgment results by processing images captured by an image sensor, such as a CCD (charge-coupled device) or CMOS (complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) device, to calculate feature values of the target (such as area, center of gravity, length, and position).
Glossy target 由具有高光反射率的材料制成,例如金属材料或白色材料。
Photoelectric sensor 传感器单元,其使用发射器获得输出信号以使用发射器发射诸如可见或红外光的光,以及接收器以检测由检测目标反射或阻挡的光量的变化。
工具转换 根据在生产线上转移的产品的处理机器,夹具或设备的设置的变化。欧宝官网开户也称为“模型转换”。
光纤传感器 A detection sensor that uses an optical fiber connected to the light source of a photoelectric sensor for detection. Fiberoptic sensors can be easily installed in narrow spaces and other locations.