Home>What is area roughness?>Area Roughness Parameters

Area Roughness Parameters

Sxp (Peak extreme height)

Sxp (peak extreme height) is the difference of heights at the areal material ratio values p% and q%. The areal material ratio curve is used for the calculation of Sxp.

Sxp represents the difference in the height between the average plane and peaks on the surface after especially high peaks on the surface are removed. By default, it is the height difference between the areal material ratio values 2.5% and 50%.

Sxp (Peak extreme height)

Find from the parameter list

Height Sa (arithmetical mean height)
Sz (Maximum height)
Sq (Root mean square height)
Ssk (Skewness)
Sku (Kurtosis)
Sp (Maximum peak height)
Sv(马克西mum pit height)
Spatial Sal (Auto-correlation length) / Str (Texture aspect ratio)
Std* (Texture direction)
Hybrid Sdq (Root mean square gradient)
Sdr (Developed interfacial area ratio)
Functional Smr(c) Areal material (bearing area) ratio
Smc(mr) Inverse areal material ratio
Sk(Core height)
Spk (Reduced peak height)
Svk (reduced dale height (reduced valley depth))
Smr (Peak material portion)
Smr2 (Valley material portion)
Sxp (Peak extreme height)
Functional volume Vvv (Dale void volume)
Vvc (Core void volume)
Vmp (Peak material volume)
Vmc (Core material volume)
Feature Spd (Density of peaks)
Spc (Arithmetic mean peak curvature)
S10z / S5p / S5v / Sda(c) / Sha(c) / Sdv(c) / Shv(c)

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