

Appearance inspections are performed to check foreign matter, scratches, and defects on the surface of parts and products. In general, the following inspection contents fall under the scope of appearance inspections.

  • Foreign matter on food containers: Foreign matter inspection
  • 布料上的污垢:污垢检查
  • Scratches on metal/resin parts: Scratch inspection
  • 树脂/橡胶成型期间发生的切削和毛刺:缺陷检查
  • Checking for LEDs not lit: Defect inspection





The average intensity of a segment (4 pixels x 4 pixels) is compared with that of the surrounding area. Stains are detected in the red segment in the example above.

Algorithm of the stain inspection tool (Comparison and calculation methods of segments)

This section explains the algorithm of the stain inspection tool equipped on the CV-X Series.

  1. 污渍检测工具测量指定区域(段)的平均强度,并将它们转移1/4段大小的区域。
  2. It determines the difference between maximum and minimum intensities of 4 segments, including a standard segment (① 95 in the figure below). The difference is considered the stain level of a standard segment.
  3. 当污渍水平超过当前阈值时,标准段计为染色。预设阈值超过测量区域的次数称为“污渍区域”。该过程重复以在测量区域内不断地移位标准段。


When X and Y directions are specified as the detection direction

The difference between the maximum and minimum intensity of 16 segments in both the X and Y directions are calculated using the standard segment as a reference.

It is possible to detect smaller and more subtle intensity changes (stains) by comparing 16 segments in total, not just 4 segments in the X direction.




Optimal segment size

This section explains how to set the stain inspection tool appropriately. It is possible to optimize the detection sensitivity and processing time by adjusting the segment size.

The graph on the right shows changes in the stain level and processing time according to the segment size (with KEYENCE’s CV-X Series).



EX。)当污渍尺寸为2 mm2并且视野为120 mm2时,使用240,000像素的相机(y方向480像素),
2 × 480 ÷ 120 = Segment size 8


The stain inspection tool parameters, Segment shift and Gap adjustment, determine the amount of segment shift for intensity comparison. Small flaws and subtle stains, which have different features, can be detected by adjusting these parameters.




Stain Inspection on Circular Workpieces

Many kinds of circular workpieces, such as PET bottles, bearings or O-rings require a circular area for visual inspection.



Subtraction filter: When printing should be ignored to detect only a stain

If only intensity changes are measured without any reference, it is impossible to distinguish between stains and proper printing. Printing with more contrast than a stain is subsequently detected as a flaw.

In pre-processing, a proper image is registered and then compared with the current image with the subtraction filter. Then, the average intensity of the filtered image is compared in 256 levels. This enables stain inspection of workpieces with complicated printing.


The real-time subtraction filter extracts only small defects by differentiating the original image from an image using the Expansion and Shrink filters. With this filter, you neither have to specify the inspection area nor adjust for the displacement of the target (good for complicated shapes). You can inspect targets with complicated shapes by adding one simple setting adjustment.



Note the following 3 points for optimal use of the stain inspection tool:

  • 将分段大小调整为污渍尺寸
  • 根据污渍尺寸或强度设置段移位/间隙调整
  • 根据工件条件使用预处理过滤器

However, clear images are definitely important to take full advantage of the machine vision system's features.




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